Aiden James

 Aiden James 's Books

A very well recieved series by Aiden James are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Witch out of Water, Reign of Coins, The Vampires' Birthright, Destiny of Coins, Murder in Whitechapel (The Judas Reflections), Secret of the Loch, Deadly Night, Curse of the Druids, The Devil's Paradise, Cades Cove: A Novel of Terror (Cades Cove Series #1), The Dragon Coin, The Forgotten Eden, Curse of Stigmata (The Judas Reflections), The Witches Of Denmark, The Vampires' Last Lover (Dying of the Dark Vampires Book 1), Plague of Coins (The Judas Chronicles #1), River of the Damned, In the Dead of Night, Twice Bitten, Victory of Coins (The Judas Chronicles, #7), The Raven Mocker: Evil Returns (Cades Cove Series #2), Judas and the Vampires, Temple of the Jaguar, which was published in 2022.